Wednesday, September 19, 2012

International student status

Hello from Nottingham!

After a long and exhausting day of travel, I arrived in Nottingham on Friday around 5 pm. Our flight from Atlanta to London landed at 7 am. (There is a five hour time difference between England and Beaufort so it was around 2 am for us!) Charlotte, Caroline, and I were dog tired but before we could relax we had to take care of a few things. We were assigned our temporary rooms (we will be moving into our permanent rooms on Saturday but for now are living in a hall with all of the other international students) and then had to make our way across campus to pick up our student ID cards. After that we took much needed naps in our rooms then showered and went to dinner. We have already made a few friends from all over the world in Montreal, Canada, Mauritius, a tiny island next to Madagascar, India, and Malaysia. I have never been more outside of my comfort zone but at the same time I already feel like I am learning so much! We sat at dinner and chatted with our new friends for a couple of hours and then decided an early bedtime was extremely necessary, so we hit the hay.

This morning we had breakfast and then spent the rest of the day in information sessions about classes, internet, clubs and organizations and other important things. And now we are relaxing for a bit before dinner.

The next few days will probably be more of the same but I am looking forward to getting more and more acclimated to this new and exciting place. I haven't been as concerned with taking pictures yet, as I am still trying to get my bearings around here, but I plan to take some around campus over the next couple days.

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