Monday, December 10, 2012

One Week!

I leave England and head back to the US in only 1 WEEK! I honestly cannot believe how quickly these three months have flown by. I have such mixed feelings about it as well. When I first arrived, I'll admit I was a little bit homesick and was really missing the familiarity of everything back at home. But I am so happy with the experience I have had here and wouldn't change a single thing about it. Not only did I get to see so many new things and experience a few different cultures, but I met some incredible people made some amazing friends in the process as well. 

This week I am struggling (which is an understatement) to finish writing an essay, going to a Christmas-themed final night out, doing some last minute Christmas shopping and trying to squeeze in as much time as possible with friends before I go. 

Here are a few photos from our last formal dinner:

Georgie, Me and Abi

Helen, Georgie, Abi, Holly, Kate, Miriam, Olena, Louise, and Rachel

Helen and I with our crowns

Friday, December 7, 2012

All Things Belgian

Last weekend the girls and I took our last trip abroad, whilst being abroad. We went to Brussels, Belgium where we stayed with some extremely nice and inspiring people, ate all of the standard Belgian fare, visited a building which represents an elementary iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times, shopped at Belgium's largest christmas market and of course, lots and lots of sight-seeing!

Weird Christmas tree in the center of the "Grand Place"

This building lit up in synchronization with the tree!

Mussels in Brussels at Chez Leon 
Belgian waffle with strawberries and nutella

It snowed the first morning of our trip!

Sleepy girls on the metro

Char and Caroline in front of the Atomium!

Me and Caroline in front of the Atomium

View of the city from the top of the Atomium

Caroline and I bought much-needed hats from the Christmas market!

Gorgeous buildings in the Grand Place

All made out of chocolate

See the rainbow?

the christmas market
more of the christmas market
It's my last week in Nottingham and although I could not be more excited to get back home and see my friends and family, I am going to miss it here so much!